Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 22--The Heart of Texas

I had a nice ride from San Angelo to Brady Tx.  While it was kind of chilly all day, the sun was out and I had a slight tail wind.  The road seems to be improving as I get further east.
I also am almost out of West Texas!  I talked to a lady at the Venison World in Some Small Town and she confirmed I am now in Central Texas.  However, when I pulled into Brady, there was a bank called "West Central Texas Bank".  So, I am kind of in west/central Texas limbo.  I am shooting for a town called Spicewood tomorrow about 100 miles away.  I have a friend who's mother lives there and has offered to let me stay the night.  So, barring a strong headwind, I believe I can make it.  (Entering hill country, and have heard that it is actually pretty difficult.  We will see tomorrow.)
One of the highlights of today was when I came up on a Doe, a female deer, that was grazing on the side of the road.  She was enjoying a ray of sun and didn't hear me, what I call myself, when I rolled up.  I was able to get within about 15 feet of her--that really is not fa at all!  I wanted to take a picture but my camera is in my handle bar bags and is secured by Velcro.  Maybe I can sew a button on there or something---something that makes less noise when opened.  I am sure it is not against the law.  Anyways, I had some tea with my dinner at the BBQ joint across the street.  I will say the food was only meh.
Finally, I want to thank my best buddy Adam Conn and his wife Alex for their donation to my cause.  Thanks y'all!

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