Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day -1 Hecticosity--mission almost aborted...kind of.

Today I was awoken by my niece and nephew at way-to-early- o'clock.  I just laid there and they played on the bed while I squeezed in an extra hour of sleep.  I finally got up and Brandy made an amazing breakfast for us.  I played with the kids for an hour or so...we played duck duck goose among others.
Got on the road for San Diego around 10 or so.  The road system there is pretty confusing to me; even with a GPS.  The roads go anywhere and everywhere all willy nilly.  I took a good two hours to arrive at the Sheraton hotel where Jason had already got a room.
Most of the rest of the day was packing and getting last min items.
I had a plan for the safe keeping of my car while I was away although it was not clearly planned out and the unclear plan fell through pretty late.  I called my friend and former professor from my college days and she dropped everything and collected my car.  Thank you so much Rachael Johnson!  She also donated to the cause today!  We are up to $170 now.
I couldn't sleep even though it was late.  I took it to the motel bar for a double rum and know, a little night cap.  The bartender hooked it up and it worked a charm....slept like a baby, even though I woke up with out an alarm early.....which will continue on the next post.....

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