Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 14--Blow Me

It has now been two weeks.  To be honest it feels like more.  Every day it is wake up, get ready and ride.  I am not complaining.  Not at all.  It all has been great and I am learning a lot about biking, camping, and myself.
I am now right at 900 miles.  So that puts me about 3 days behind the schedule I made for myself.  I think I can make it up.  The majority of the climbing is over least the huuuuge climbs.  I do have the hill country coming up in Texas; I heard that is a beast.  I have a plan for that.  If I ever get a strong tail mark my words you will be telling my story to your friends.  I have a good plan y'all.
So, today, as usual, I woke up before Mr Sun.  I CANT sleep in even if I try.  I laid there in my bag and had breakfast. Two bags of instant oatmeal and OJ.  Once the sun came up I got dressed in my tiny little living room.  (My tent)  I got out and got my things together and started off.  Before I got on my Hardley (Like a Harley--but not so much) I checked out the tires.  There were at least 50 goat heads in the tires!  I used my gloved hand to knock them off.  I did not receive a puncture from all this and I am still surprised.
The title of this day is "Blow Me".  That is what the wind did all day long.  Right in my face.  I only made it 60 miles.  That is all I was shooting for actually because Brenda freaking awesome sauce got me a La Quinta room in Las Cruces; but I don't think I could have made it much further any way.  Headwinds are so...demanding.  I was pedaling fulllllll force downhill at one point and was doing 10 miles an hour.  Kind of makes you want to club a baby seal.
I met some travelers today.  I saw them in the distance.  Bikes fully loaded coming my way.  I was like a loyal dog who hears his master coming in the drive way.  At first, he is like, is that my buddy ol pal?  hmmm?  It is! It is!  Yeah...I am getting lonely out here.  I really don't need too much companionship, but I am finding that I do need more than I thought I needed.
Anyways, The couple was Sal and Lara coming from New York.  The are headed to San Fran and have been killing it for 3 months now.  We talked for at least 10 minutes and it was (as Dominic would say) Glorious.
The rest of the day was uneventful but nice.  Despite the wind.  I did bathtub laundry again--I hope it is dry by morning!


  1. I knew it made sense to head north! I started 20 miles outside of Silver City and got to Truth or Consequences, or as we New Mexicans call it T or C. When I got to Caballo I still had plenty of daylight left, turned north instead of down to Las Cruces and rolled along at 18mph while barely pedalling. Would have got further, but the next town isn't for 75 miles. Glorious :D

    Good to hear that your La Quinta hookup is working for you!

  2. I love the picture of the make and model. :) (LQ also has a laundry room and it's $1.50 per load). Keep up the good work!

    Megan from the LQ Front Desk
