Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 45--America, You Just Got Dilleyed

I got a VERY late start today.  I stopped at 3 gas stations before I found one that would let me get water.  I then went to the bike shop to top my tires off--2 miles out of the way---and they only had, well they didn't have the kind of pump I needed.  Next, I went to a little cafe and got a quick breakfast but it took them 40 min to get the food out.  All of that combined equaled me not really getting going until 11.
I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make it to the end because of all of that and a head wind.  Well, it died off after 10 miles and the hills eased up and I knocked out 80 miles in about 5 hours.  Had I rode like I did today, I would have been done in 20 days.  I was cruising.  My goal was to get to the beach by sundown for some pictures.  I kept looking back to see where the sun was and as it got lower I kept going faster and faster.  It was a real motivator.
I made it with minutes to spare.  I anticipated (even though I knew it wouldn't be like this) a big crowd cheering me on and clapping.  Nothing like that.  There was luckily a little family there to help me take a couple of victory pictures.  Other than that, kind of anti-climatic.  In my head it was a different story.  Fireworks and back flips and such.
After that I got a taxi to the hotel.
(Now the next day)  I got my bike packed up and shipped off and I am now with only one of my front bags.  Nothing else.  I guess getting on the airplane will be easy--no checked baggage.
A friend of mine posted on my Facebook page about "post-adventure blues".  Not sure if that is exactly how he worded it, but I know what he means now.  Everyday for the last 6 weeks I knew what I was going to be doing.  Ride.  At first it was all goal orientated.  Get to the Atlantic!  That went away after awhile because you just start to think about only the next day; not the ultimate destination.  Well, now that I am done, my bike is in the mail, and I am soon to be home, I don't know what to do with myself!  No more daily adventure.  I will have to fill the void somehow.
All in all, bicycle touring is legit awesome sauce.  Anyone can do it and it is much less expensive then you would think.  It is not all unicorns and rainbows....there were days I was ready to club a baby seal.  But over all--super fun and a great adventure..  I cant wait to do my next one!  Soon, I will post one last entry on lessons learned and recommend gear ect. other than that, unless something crazy happens on my return trip, thank you for your support and following and the donations for the cause!  If you have enjoyed reading about my trip, and have not already, please take a few minutes and break out your plastic and drop a few dollars towards the WWP.  Thank you and Happy Holidays!


  1. Recommend you don't close to blog down for a month or so in case some real American supporters wnt to contribute a bit more. Just saying...

  2. I agree. Keep this blog up for a bit. Congratulations! Such an amazing thing you've done.

  3. JJ---We are SO PROUD OF YOU and honored that we met you during the Texas-leg of your trip. Your tenacity has paid off and you've touched many lives these past 6 weeks, not only the people you've met along the way, but also the Wounded Warriors you rode so far to benefit. You've done much to bring awareness to the WWP and as USAF parents (X2) we appreciate your sacrifice. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope to see you again soon.
    Laurie and Lyndon English, Ozona, Texas
