I am not as smart as my tablet so I have to do a part two...
Anyways, I walked for 30 minutes or so.
I swallowed my pride.
I stuck out my thumb.
It took a few miles but a guy picked me up and took me to Ozana Texas. I owe 7 miles to the ride across the country. I really feel bad about it. My plan was to go the entire way on the hog.
Anyways, it is done. And the whole urine in a bag story would have been way better if it had been a success.
I regret the decision to take I-10 to save miles and time. In the end, I didn't save either. Tomorrow I am heading north to San Angelo--the nearest bike shop is there. I will be far off route at that point but I am done with the freeway for now. I need tubes Without tubes I can go nowhere. Besides that, there is an Air Force base there so I can get a room on the cheap.
Well, that was my day. I hope the rest of the trip goes better. Peace out home slices.
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