Last night the wind picked up. A lot. I must have only got 4 or 5 hours of sleep because just when I would get to sleep a huge gust would come and shake my tent like nothing else. It also was surprisingly hot for most of the night.
I woke up early and to a flat tire as my stealthy tent location was also in thorn valley of Texas. I fixed it.
It went flat .
I changed it again. I had some coffee at the gas station and took off.
The wind yesterday was like a gentle breeze compared to today. It was super strong. Ferocious even. RAWER, it said.
It came from my right mostly, but also in my face. It was so strong that for much of the time I had to lean to the right like I was making a sharp turn to the right. At least 20 degrees of leaning. The fun part of this is the wind is not consistent and would let up at times. So I am leaning hard to the right and the wind goes away and I shoot out towards the desert.
This went on for 20 took a long time. I really don't know how long, but hours at least. I thought my day was doomed as I needed to make it 70 miles to get to the next town. At the pace I was setting there was no way I would make it. Even if I had a full nights rest. It just wasn't going to happen. Then, out of no where, the wind all but stopped. There was still a headwind but very slight in comparison.
I don't remember exactly when it all went downhill. Here is what I do remember:
I started the day with 6 spare tubes. I used them all. Flat after flat. I ran out of tubes with something like 30 miles to go. I was sure it would hold, that last tube. The last 5 were flukes! That is the only explanation. I think you know where this is going. Another flat.
I kept all of the tubes, and remembered one just seemed weird with the valve--I tried that one again. It held. For a few miles. So, now I have a bunch of tubes with holes in them. I have a patch kit, but on the side of the road it is kind of hard to do.
With no other choice I attempted to find the hole in one tube with some water and my cell phone case. I found a hole and I hoped that there just wasn't a hole in it. I slapped it on and got going down the road. It held for a few miles. I only had about 20 miles to go so my new plan was to just keep pumping it up every few miles. Oh, did I mention my pump died? It did. I have a backup pump, but it really is not made to pump a tube up to 100 pounds.
Anyways, this plan didn't work either. I am out of tubes....broke ass pump...20ish miles to (little) water.
"Eff it. I will walk it the 20 miles", I say to myself. Much easier said than done. After two miles I know this plan is stupid. This is when I came into a parking area. There was light. (It was after dark now). Out of options I decided it was time to figure out how to patch a tube up. Before you can patch a tube you must find the hole. The way to do this is to use a pumped up tube and a container of water. When the hole is under the water it bubbles and you can see where you need to patch. I had very little water.
(The following is gross. I really really almost didn't include this but it is what happened and it would be unfair not to share even if it is a bit embarrassing.)
I did have a gallon size Ziploc back. I did have to pee. So, I peed in the bag. Someone also had left their big gulp drink on the side of the road and I poured it in the bag as well.
I grabbed the best looking tube, pumped it up, and dipped it in the nastiness in the bag.
Now, I will say, this whole deal was a creation from me watching Bear Grylls. He is not afraid of a little urine, especially his own. You may call me Bear Dills.
I found the hole. As I was patching it, a man named Toro pulled up in a truck. He was an undercover Border Patrol Agent. He chatted me up and held his flashlight so I could see better while I patched up. I got it all back on the bike and asked him if he would drive by in awhile to make sure it held. He said he would.
It held.
With 10 to go, it held.
With 8 to go, it was holding and Toro drove by and checked on me (scared the shit out of me too with his siren). I waved him off and said I was good to go.
7 to go, the tube failed.
I am exhausted and thirsty. There was no other tube patching that was going to happen this night.
Eff it. I will walk it the 7 miles to the town.
Worst day ever!!! I'm sorry JJ!