Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 28--Bulldog?

I got a late start.  We didn't go to bed until 2 so I figured it would be a late start.  Sam Adams was still in my blood stream I am sure, but I still got on the road by 9.
My goal was to make it to Beaumont Texas today but as soon as I started going East, I knew it wasn't going to happen.  Strong headwind.  Again.  Come on Mother Nature!!  Work with me.  Y'all watch the news right?  Which way do the storms move across the nation?  West to East right?  So, in my mind, the wind should blow that way.  So far, it really hasn't been like that for me. is what is.
The wind actually died down after awhile and it was kind of hot.  Humid too--something I am not used to.
I felt good and rested and just took my time.  Made it 65 miles to a place called Liberty Texas.  It is a pretty ghetto little town.  I am staying at a hotel and it is on the gross side.  I am not a cootie worrier kind of guy but tonight I think I will sleep in my sleeping bag on top of the comforter.

Back up. Highlights of the day:  High fives to sign holders.  It took about 40 miles to get out of the city and there was  a surprising amount of sign holder guys.  I made it a point to high-five as many of them as I could as I passed them.  It kind of pumped them up and it entertained me.
I am not sure if this is a "highlight" or not, but I got chased again today by three dogs.  All at once.  One was a HellBeast.  Huge!  I think he was a Bulldog.  Not like a cute English Bulldog.  Nay. False.  Erroneous.  It was like a regular dog bred with a bull.  A Brahman bull/Boarder Collie.  And so fast!  I thought I was going to get it this time.
Luckily, they gave away their location with their barking before I got to them.  I saw them charging towards me from the house.  I turned it on.  I got out past the gate of their house just before they made it to the road.  Two of them faded away quickly.  The Bull Dog did not give up so easily.  I gave it all I had for at least 1/4 mile and he was gaining on me the entire time.  I don't know if he ran out of gas or got to the end of his self proclaimed territory, but he gave up the chase just in time because I had no more sprint energy left.
This has prompted me to set up my R.A.D. system.  Rapidly Accessible Defense System.  RADS. I have my pepper spray taped up in a spot I can get to it very quickly now.  I hope I don't have to use it, but it is ready now.
Lastly, I am so perplexed by this one.  I was sitting on the bed eating a feast of pizza when a guy knocked on my door and demanded I close the blinds so no one can see what I am doing.   I was like, um, I like my blinds open and they will stay that way buckaroo.  He didn't press the issue.  I really don't get it.  I had to rethink my actions to make sure I wasn't doing anything that would warrant his actions.  Nay....I had done nothing at all...Just ate.
This little city is a little unsavory--I am sure my neighbor for the night is tweaked out of her mind and probably selling meth.   There has been a lot of traffic in and out of that little room.
With that, I am going to hit the hay.  Until that day, goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the hell beast just wanted to tag along.
