Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Day 45--America, You Just Got Dilleyed
I got a VERY late start today. I stopped at 3 gas stations before I found one that would let me get water. I then went to the bike shop to top my tires off--2 miles out of the way---and they only had, well they didn't have the kind of pump I needed. Next, I went to a little cafe and got a quick breakfast but it took them 40 min to get the food out. All of that combined equaled me not really getting going until 11.
I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make it to the end because of all of that and a head wind. Well, it died off after 10 miles and the hills eased up and I knocked out 80 miles in about 5 hours. Had I rode like I did today, I would have been done in 20 days. I was cruising. My goal was to get to the beach by sundown for some pictures. I kept looking back to see where the sun was and as it got lower I kept going faster and faster. It was a real motivator.
I made it with minutes to spare. I anticipated (even though I knew it wouldn't be like this) a big crowd cheering me on and clapping. Nothing like that. There was luckily a little family there to help me take a couple of victory pictures. Other than that, kind of anti-climatic. In my head it was a different story. Fireworks and back flips and such.
After that I got a taxi to the hotel.
(Now the next day) I got my bike packed up and shipped off and I am now with only one of my front bags. Nothing else. I guess getting on the airplane will be easy--no checked baggage.
A friend of mine posted on my Facebook page about "post-adventure blues". Not sure if that is exactly how he worded it, but I know what he means now. Everyday for the last 6 weeks I knew what I was going to be doing. Ride. At first it was all goal orientated. Get to the Atlantic! That went away after awhile because you just start to think about only the next day; not the ultimate destination. Well, now that I am done, my bike is in the mail, and I am soon to be home, I don't know what to do with myself! No more daily adventure. I will have to fill the void somehow.
All in all, bicycle touring is legit awesome sauce. Anyone can do it and it is much less expensive then you would think. It is not all unicorns and rainbows....there were days I was ready to club a baby seal. But over all--super fun and a great adventure.. I cant wait to do my next one! Soon, I will post one last entry on lessons learned and recommend gear ect. other than that, unless something crazy happens on my return trip, thank you for your support and following and the donations for the cause! If you have enjoyed reading about my trip, and have not already, please take a few minutes and break out your plastic and drop a few dollars towards the WWP. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Monday, December 19, 2011
Day 44--Bare Bones
Well, I mailed back the majority of my things this morning. I only have my front bags now. It felt like a big waste, but I threw away my rear bags. Ten miles after that I cursed at myself because they were still repairable with a little duct tape. Oh well. Next tour I am getting a different kind anyhow. (waterproof)
I figured I would be able to fly after getting rid of all of that weight, but I had headwind and hills all day, but still averaged about 14 miles per hour. I didn't get as far as I had hoped. I wanted to be only about 50 miles away from the coast for a nice easy ride in to the end, but I still have about 80 or so to go. I should be fine, just need to get an early start.
I cant say there was really any big events today. The last 5 days has pretty much beat me down. I have knocked out nearly 400 miles in 5 days. 300 in 3 days almost. It has caught up with me and it is hard to go fast for long periods of time. Still loving it though!
I guess all I have tonight is prepare yourselves for some good victory pictures! I have some good ones in mind assuming I can get someone to help me with a photo shoot.
I figured I would be able to fly after getting rid of all of that weight, but I had headwind and hills all day, but still averaged about 14 miles per hour. I didn't get as far as I had hoped. I wanted to be only about 50 miles away from the coast for a nice easy ride in to the end, but I still have about 80 or so to go. I should be fine, just need to get an early start.
I cant say there was really any big events today. The last 5 days has pretty much beat me down. I have knocked out nearly 400 miles in 5 days. 300 in 3 days almost. It has caught up with me and it is hard to go fast for long periods of time. Still loving it though!
I guess all I have tonight is prepare yourselves for some good victory pictures! I have some good ones in mind assuming I can get someone to help me with a photo shoot.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Day 43--Houston, We Have a Problem/Hanging By a Thread
Lets see. I got a late start again! Slept right through my alarm. I was pretty wiped out from the day before. I didn't get going until 9 or so. When I did get going, I think some little elves snuck in my room and put lead in my legs. Oh so heavy. It took a good 20 miles to really get going. Yesterday I hit 15 to 20 mph all day. Today, it was more like 10 to 15 mph.
Hills! Dude, I thought FL was going to be super flat. Nay. Erroneous. All day there were hills. When I got to Tallahassee--holy shizzzz! The hills were way worse than the hill country of Texas. Just monsters. Rolling monsters. I still made 80 miles, but it was a gut check of a day.
At the end of "Tally" I almost got a room at a pricey motel. Because of the price I declined and headed for another 20 miles. I now somewhat wish I had paid the money. I am at a real shit hole now. More on that in a second.
Before I forget: Thanks to MSgt Miranda for her donation today. Thanks Homie! And I met two lovely ladies on the road today. They were headed west for a charity and women's rights. wwww.againstthegrind.com if you are interested in picking up a new travel blog as mine is about to be over.
So, back to after Tally. (Tallahassee if you are not picking up what I am putting down). I maned up and decided to go the extra 20 miles but as soon as I got going I kept hearing something rubbing on my tire. I stopped and inspected--My left rear bag has almost been ripped off! It is literally hanging by a thread. I strapped it on to the bike and finished the day kind of in a limping fashion.
My plan for tomorrow is to mail everything back that is not essential for a two day ride. I will pretty much have just a bike and some clothes after tomorrow. The coast is only 160 miles away so really, I can possibly make it to the Atlantic tomorrow with an empty bike. I doubt I will push that hard but I will be close after the end of the day tomorrow.
I planned on staying in Monticello Fl (which I am staying). The name of the hotel is blah blah restaurant AND inn. The restaurant no longer is open and the room is nasty. Just gross. The heater doesn't work (the real reason to stay in a hotel, besides a shower). The solution by the owner? Here, here is a portable heater. (It actually works great). I said, um, how about I just go to a different disgusting room that has a working heater? (I left out the disgusting part.) For various reasons this couldn't happen. Oh well, whatever. SO, I am starving! Food is 2 miles away in town. Damn! Further, nothing is open as far as restaurants go. There was a Dollar General that was open so I bought a bunch of frozen microwave food. My belly is full, but it is full of crap food. I will have to get a good breakfast in the morning to counteract this.
Well, that is where I am on my trip. Almost over and I am glad/sad. I will be happy to get back home but will miss the adventure. Everyday on this tour there has been a story. Sometimes small, sometimes big, but always adventure. Back home, it is not so much like this. I hope that I can take this back to my regular life and make everyday an adventure even if I am not riding a bike across the country. This is one of my lessons learned.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Day 42--Does a Bear Dills Crap in the Woods?
I don't crap in the woods often, but when I do, I prefer the woods of northern Florida.
It was an emergency--it happened--enough on that subject.
Today was a productive day. Made it 110 miles although about half a mile of that was from me going on a "shortcut" and having to double back.
On the map it looked like I could shave a few miles by taking a certain road. It ran out of pavement though. I looked at the dirt and thought I could still ride it. I could! For a few feet. It then turned to beach sand and I almost crashed. So I had to turn around back to the main route.
There was not much wind today until I had to turn north for about 10 miles and got hammered the whole way. The road was in pretty good shape to awesome shape all day too. Just a nice day of riding.
It looks like I have about 230 miles or so left to go. I plan to try to do close to 100 for two more days and whatever is left on the 3rd day. This is if everything goes right though. From past experiences, I know that things often don't go according to plan on the road.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Friday, December 16, 2011
Day 41--Rest Day
Took one last rest day at my friend's place today. She had to work all day so I just chilled out around the house most of the day.
When she and the kids got home we all watched movies and talked. The kids are great and called me "Mr Grassface man" because of my little beard. The little one fell asleep on me and I wish I got a picture of that. A very cute girl and the the boy is a cool little dude. Thanks to *Melissa for putting me up for two nights.
Thanks to Sgt Ramsey and Chief Boggs for their donations today. They are both in Melissa's chain of command. Thanks!
Tomorrow, I have a general idea of my route but no idea how far I will make it. I am anxious to finish this thing so I I hope to cover some serious ground. I figure I have about 4 more days or so....hopefully no more than that. We will see what happens!
*A few years after I completed my trip Melissa passed away from cancer. She fought to the end but now she is in heaven looking down on her beautiful kids. She was only about 27. A very sad thing but she did many good things in her short life.
When she and the kids got home we all watched movies and talked. The kids are great and called me "Mr Grassface man" because of my little beard. The little one fell asleep on me and I wish I got a picture of that. A very cute girl and the the boy is a cool little dude. Thanks to *Melissa for putting me up for two nights.
Thanks to Sgt Ramsey and Chief Boggs for their donations today. They are both in Melissa's chain of command. Thanks!
Tomorrow, I have a general idea of my route but no idea how far I will make it. I am anxious to finish this thing so I I hope to cover some serious ground. I figure I have about 4 more days or so....hopefully no more than that. We will see what happens!
*A few years after I completed my trip Melissa passed away from cancer. She fought to the end but now she is in heaven looking down on her beautiful kids. She was only about 27. A very sad thing but she did many good things in her short life.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Day 40--No Mas Pantalones
I started the day with a nice ferry ride across the bay to Fort Morgan AL. During the ride I actually had to put my coat and beanie on because it was pretty chilly. I assumed it was going to stay that way for the rest of the day--like it had in the past few days. As soon as I got about a mile down the road though I started noticing that it was much warmer on this side of the bay. So I took a layer off and kept going. Within 20 miles I was down to just my shorts and bike shirt and it was still hot. I had not been this bare in weeks! It was very sunny and warm and humid. I could actually feel the weight of the air around me.
There weren't too many big events today. The Blue Angels were practicing above me for about an hour. I tried to get a picture, but they were too quick.
I made it to Florida and all the way to near Ft Walton Beach where Hurlburt Field AFB is; my friend is stationed here and I am am staying with her. It was my 3rd longest ride of the tour at 97 miles. I was pretty tempted to go ride around the block a few times to get another century but meh...nothing to prove here.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Day 39--3 States in One Day? Not to Happen
My goal today was to finish Mississippi, cross Alabama, and hit Florida--for bragging rights mostly. Had I did it, it would have been well over 100 miles. I think I had enough energy to make it happen but I missed the last ferry which would have let me do it.
I was originally going to go through Mobile down to FL, but at the last second I remembered there was another path via Grand Bay AL. The town I am in now is actually an island and is called dauphin Island. It seems super cool and I wish I had the the time to tour around it. Maybe another time.
I had a headwind all day. Nothing major, but just enough to let you know you had a headwind. I still made over 70 miles.
Besides the sun being out all day (big change) there was only one other highlight. (Besides a lot of bridges. They are like man made hills BTW. Some of them were pretty steep and hard.) When I made the turn towards the ferry there were like 10 school buses headed the same way. There was a series of stop signs and railroads at the same area. Each bus had to stop at the railroads every time. So, I passed the buses and was passed by the buses 3 times or so. I got more cat calls from the girls on the buses than I have ever got in my life. (Highschoolish). Not sure how I should feel about that haha. One offered me her half ate orange. No thanks little lady. AND, one little butthole threw out a marker at me and it hit me in the side. I SO wanted to catch up and whoop an ass. Still, nice shot. Props to that.
Lastly, at the gas station on the island, I asked the clerk girl for directions. Here is what I heard: "Go down a mile and make a right. It is right behind the whore house." I wanted to say "You have those here??!" But I knew I must have heard wrong so I just stared at her for a minute. "Excuse me?" Oar house. Ohhhh! Thanks. (I actually ate dinner there and it was as far from a whore house as you can get. A sausage house is a better description.)
My goal for tomorrow is Fort Walton Beach--or Eglin AFB. Same same. It will be one of my longer days on the trip but I have a couch to sleep on at a friend's house so it will be worth the extra effort. Free "room" and catching up with an old buddy. Until then.....
I was originally going to go through Mobile down to FL, but at the last second I remembered there was another path via Grand Bay AL. The town I am in now is actually an island and is called dauphin Island. It seems super cool and I wish I had the the time to tour around it. Maybe another time.
I had a headwind all day. Nothing major, but just enough to let you know you had a headwind. I still made over 70 miles.
Besides the sun being out all day (big change) there was only one other highlight. (Besides a lot of bridges. They are like man made hills BTW. Some of them were pretty steep and hard.) When I made the turn towards the ferry there were like 10 school buses headed the same way. There was a series of stop signs and railroads at the same area. Each bus had to stop at the railroads every time. So, I passed the buses and was passed by the buses 3 times or so. I got more cat calls from the girls on the buses than I have ever got in my life. (Highschoolish). Not sure how I should feel about that haha. One offered me her half ate orange. No thanks little lady. AND, one little butthole threw out a marker at me and it hit me in the side. I SO wanted to catch up and whoop an ass. Still, nice shot. Props to that.
Lastly, at the gas station on the island, I asked the clerk girl for directions. Here is what I heard: "Go down a mile and make a right. It is right behind the whore house." I wanted to say "You have those here??!" But I knew I must have heard wrong so I just stared at her for a minute. "Excuse me?" Oar house. Ohhhh! Thanks. (I actually ate dinner there and it was as far from a whore house as you can get. A sausage house is a better description.)
My goal for tomorrow is Fort Walton Beach--or Eglin AFB. Same same. It will be one of my longer days on the trip but I have a couch to sleep on at a friend's house so it will be worth the extra effort. Free "room" and catching up with an old buddy. Until then.....
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Day 38--Boats and Grolf
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I rented a boat--a skiff is the proper term--today and rode it around the harbor for about an hour. Had to take a test and everything. It was pretty fun, a fun new thing at least. The motor died at one point and it took me forever to get it going again. You may call me Skipper for now on.
After that, I went down to the "grolf course." Frisbee golf is a mix between golf and Frisbee and is super fun. Check it out. The course here on base is meh, but better than no course at all. I am telling you, this base rocks. You can rent a boat (they have bigger ones for rent as well), golf, Frisbee golf, and who knows what else all in one day. I hope one day I end up here. Oh! I had to buy a Frisbee to play. My plan was to give it to a stranger but there was no one around. So, I hid it in the disk golf park somewhere. One day I will pick it up. Happy hunting if you are in this area! (you wont find it.)
That was the bulk of my adventures for today.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Monday, December 12, 2011
Day 37--All the Small Things
Nothing about today really stood out. It was for the most part a standard day on the road, but all the small things added together made for a great day.
I woke up late, about 9 or so. My plan was to go by the bike shop and look around and top my tires off. It took over an hour to find out that there is no longer a bike shop in Slidell. Also, I had a hell of a time finding my way out of the city center. Every time I went down a road it was a dead end. I really didn't get going towards Keesler until noon or so.
When I finally did get on the real road, man, the miles sure added up slowly. Some days I look down at my computer and cant believe it says, say, 30 miles--they came super fast. Today it was, really? It has only been 15 miles? It kind of went like this all day. Just a very slow day.
All the small things:
Starting in the swamp and ending on the coast. (It is the Atlantic pretty much right? I can say I made it now right?)
I found yet another toilet. Commode count now 8
The smell of salt air.
A dog, not chasing me, but after birds in the ocean. He must have chased the birds for 5 miles--His happiness at chasing said birds was greater than most people will ever be. Or so it seemed.
Boats. (Sadly, this made for another annoying thing for me. Every time I saw a boat I thought "Boats and Hoes" like the song from Step Brothers. Also, I now am trying to beat box--which I have no ability to do and sing like a monk about exactly what I am doing. For example, "ahhhhhhIIII ammmmm goooooiiinnnng arrrrounnnd a coooooorner." )
A man sleeping on a bench was scared shitless when I passed by him on my hog. He jumped up as I passed. I felt bad and almost went back to apologize, but was laughing too hard to sound sincere.
Thumbs up from at least 3 people.
I kind of "bonked" as my friend Tiffany calls it, at about mile 60. Just ran out of energy. I didn't eat breakfast or lunch because I thought I had a super short 45 or 50 mile day ahead of me. Thing was, I put the wrong address in my GPS and actually had an 80 mile day. 20 miles extra is a lot on a bike. By the time I got to the base I was famished and just wanted to get my room and get some food. This did not go to plan.
Lodging on Keesler is a little screwy. The office of the "motel" is about 1/2 a mile from the rooms. At least the room I got. I went to the office and paid for the room and got my key and they then said, you cant have your bike in the room. Um, I am not leaving my bike outside. It is a $3000 bike. ( I embellished a little.) This caused a supervisor to be called. After I talked with this supervisor, her supervisor was called. This person ended up telling me that the rules are the rules. And then the speech of "its on you if you choose to bring the bike in the room but we wont be doing room checks to see if the bike is in the room or not". Did I bring the bike in the room? I plead the one, two, three, four, fifttthhh!
Ok, so I get my key and directions to the room and head out. I get the the room and try the key. Doesn't work. Seriously? There are two room numbers on the key holder. I go to the other room number. The key works great. Problem is, there is a guy in this room. EFFF! I ride back to the office (half mile each way folks--still haven't had food today and it is 7 PM)
They fixed the key problem and I go back to my room. I am expecting the regular bed and bathroom kind of room. When I open the door my jaw dropped. I have had apartments that were smaller than this place. It is huge. I called the office and confirmed that I was in the right place. Turns out it is a DV room--all for 40 bucks a night sucka.
I talked to a man who is in training here for QA and he told me there is a Marina on base. A marina? On the base? I am going to check it out tomorrow. I hope to get to ride on a boat. There is also a disk golf course on the base so I am going to try and do 18 holes as well. Yes, I am staying here tomorrow providing I can get the room for another night. Many of my students have told me this base was a crap hole, but from what I have seen of it, it is an amazing place. If I can squeeze it in, I want to go run on the beach as well. If I lived by a beach I think I would run on it everyday.
According to my GPS, there is a little over 400 miles left on my trip. I am eager to complete the adventure but also am going to miss it. So, I am probably going to drag my feet just a little for the last little bit. I still will likely be done by this weekend though. Then--back to the real world.
*The picture of the trees and water at the bottom is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I am editing this blog after 7 years of completion and still think of the site. The picture doesn't do it justice.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Day 36--Almost to Mississippi
Today I woke up at 4 and got everything ready to go. I was ready by 5, but waited until the sun came out at around 7 before I took off. I planned to do about 100 miles if everything went ok.
Everything went great but I only made it 80 miles. Now that it is flat, I did that amount in great time. I stopped here in Sidell (I think that is what this place is called) because the next town after it is a good ways away. I also only plan to go to Kessler AFB tomorrow, which is maybe 60 miles from here. Should be a pretty easy day.
Highlights: One dog chase.
Two toilets found. (Commode count = 7 now I think)
One bathtub found.
That is pretty much it though.
Every time I find a toilet, I am like "nooooo wayyyy. Are you serious?" The first one was not exactly right on the side of the road, but was visible so I count it. The next one, which the whole event was probably the best part of the day, was actually in someone's yard and used as a flowerpot. Yes. It was used as a decoration for the yard. "Nooooo Waaaayyyy!" So here is what happened with this sweet find: I am rolling along, minding my own business when I see a freaking toilet in someones front yard being used as a flower garden. "Nooooo Wayyyy" I say to myself. I happily circle around to go back for the picture. I take said picture, and, who I assume to be the owner of toilet/flower pot, gets out of the car (I don't know why she was in the car. It was not on, and had been sitting there for at least a few minutes now). This is what she says to me--no shit: "Hey you. Whatcha took that picture fer?" I say, "Because you have a toilet in your front yard. I like it." Her, "Don't be a takin pictures of my property!" Ok...I gave her a thumbs up and she gave me, well, a different finger up. So now I have this life memory forever and ever. Thank you, Ma'am.
I also kind of stumbled onto a bike/jogging path that went for at least 20 miles. No traffic and the pavement was very good. It was a nice change, but I kind of prefer the road because the cars give you something to look at and dodge. Keeps it entertaining.
Also, I stopped for a coffee in someplace. I was out by my bike drinking it and a 10 year oldish girl walked by (in Louisianian accent) and said, "Mister, that seat must be some kind of uncomfortable. It is sooo small." You have no idea sister.
I kind of realized after that, that either I broke the seat in or the seat broke my butt in because it doesn't really hurt too much anymore.
Well, that is about all for today. I have about 540 miles to go. I am thinking I should be done by Sunday or so.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Day 35--Rest Day
I didn't plan on resting today. As I was getting my things ready to go, I kept thinking of how much I really didn't feel like riding today. I was just looking at my bike and wondering why it cant just ride itself! So, after losing the internal battle of not being a wuss, I went down and got the room for another night.
I didn't do much and that was great. Just sat around the room and watched TV.
I didn't do much and that was great. Just sat around the room and watched TV.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Friday, December 9, 2011
Day 34--I am Famous Now
My step dad set up an interview with a local news agency. The interview went very well! They aired 5 seconds of it. This is my 2nd time being interviewed by the news and both times it has kind of sucked in the airing department.
I found another toilet. Commode count is now 5.
I am staying in Walker LA tonight. I am 90% sure I will make Mississippi tomorrow.
Wish I had more exciting news for you my friends, but that is it for today. Hopefully tomorrow will be more fruitful!
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Day 33--East of the Mississippi
I got a late start today. First, I slept in a little. Then, when I went to top off my tires I broke off the valve stem on my rear wheel so I had to change my tire. It was being difficult and took awhile. I really didn't get on the road until about 11 or so.
I found another toilet on the side of the road! 4 in 3 days now. This somehow amazes me.
At one point heard the grass moving to my right and behind me. First thought: An alligator is about to eat me. This is all going to end because I got by an alligator. I don't know if there really ARE alligators in these parts, but because it is is swampyish, it has been on my mind. It was a rottweiler. This butthole broke the rules and didn't bark. He was like a ninja attack rottweiler. I got away with not much trouble. But really dogs of the south, lets play by the rules at least, yeah?
Sarah, my host from last night, warned me about a 6 mile bridge I would be crossing. ( I chose to go to Baton Rouge rather than up north to Jackson LA) When I came to a monster of a bridge I thought I had found it. A guy, Arland, came up to me and I chatted him up. Very nice guy, and when I was about to ask about the bridge he brought it up first. He sternly warned me to not try to do it on bike. I told him I would probably try to get a ride. (This bridge was not the one in question, but only a mile from the big bridge). He immediately offered a ride. I took him up on his offer and I am very glad I did. There was zero shoulder and the cars and trucks were moving at mock 5. Arland is a talker and during his story of this and that I didn't want to interrupt him and he actually drove me about 10 miles rather than just 7 or so. Thanks buddy for the ride!
I stopped for lunch/dinner at Carmine's Seafood Cafe. I said I just wanted something light as I still had about 25 miles to go. They suggested the vegetable soup and grilled cheese. What they brought to me was enormous. It was also the best damn soup I have ever put in my mouth.
The sun was getting close to going down now and the people at Carmines told me about the bridge across the Mississippi. It was even worse than the 6 mile bridge. My plan was to stop before the bridge and figure it out tomorrow. I stopped at a run down nasty ass hotel. I asked how much for a room and he asked if I wanted it by the hour or the whole night. No thanks my friend. I don't want to sleep in anyone's bodily fluids tonight. So, I headed towards the bridge, which was not far at all actually. When I got there I figured, I am a man. I am brave. I will just do it! However, when I put eyes on said bridge, I pretty much tossed my bravery and man card to the side. It was a suicide mission. The speed limit across this thing was 65 and there was zero ZERO shoulder. I backtracked a few hundred yards and started thumbing it. After 20 minutes I was doing dances and hand gestures indicating I just needed a lift over the bridge. 30 minutes into it (the sun is almost set now) I get some more courage and decide I will just do it. Like a pimp. I put on my game face and charged the bridge on my trusty steel horse. As I get closer and closer I let out my war cry--Yaaaaaaaaaaaaw! When I got to about 20 feet to the start of the bridge, I pulled on the brakes. There is just no damn way I was going to do this and live to tell about it. The only thing I could do was go backwards about 8 miles and sleep it off. Damn.
With one last ounce of hope I thumbed it again and John stopped and drove me over the bridge.
The sun was pretty much down now and I was looking for a place to stay. Some real dirt holes wanted a shiz load of money to stay. I actually was feeling good and wanted to go much longer. So I kept going and rode on into the night. I didn't stop until about 7 or so. I found a CLEAN motel six that was cheaper than the dives back down the road.
I am not really sure where my path will take me tomorrow. I actually went off my course about 5 miles in my night ride so that may guide me a different way than I expected. We will see. For now, I am going to go to get a little Cha cha chinese food and hit the sack.
One last thing. Not only did Sarah house me, feed me, and entertain me, she also donated to the cause today. Thanks so much Sarah! You rock.
Commode count= 4
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Day 32--Canines and Commodes
Today started with a nice life-threatening jolt. Not my life. A dog's life was nearly ended as he tried to get me. I had made it, seriously, 30 seconds into my ride when I got my first dog chase. I hadn't even thought about warming up yet when I was forced into a full out sprint.
As soon as I got on the road a dog across the street--scratch that--highway--came a charging. He crossed the road in front of traffic and a semi had to lock his brakes up to not hit the dog. He chased me for a quarter mile. Well, I was now warmed up properly. I really don't know how that little guy didn't get smashed.
Overall it was a pretty uneventful day. The road is now flat and I can maintain 15 mph fairly easy. I would say I made good time but I stop way more than I should. I say to myself, "I wont stop for 20 miles!" One mile later I am stopped taking a picture of something.
I did see another toilet! Commode Count is now 3. It just really boggles my mind the thought of possible events that lead to a person to toss their toilet on the side of the road.
Is it a slow process? Does the toilet just slowly stop working and the owner finally blow up??
And if so, why the side of the road? "I have had it with you, you damn toilet! Why cant you take my football sized turds like the ones at the truck stop?!" "To the side of the road you go!"
The picture at the top of what looks like woods contains the toilet. Hard to make out, but it is a toilet I tell you.
Also, besides the dramatic start of the day dog chase there were at least 10 more, but none were close calls like that one.
I am staying at a Warmshowers.org host's house tonight--Sarah. She is amazing. Pretty much the epitome of a host in this world. Much more trusting than I am, but very awesome. (She has allowed people to stay at here house when she was on vacation.) If you are a biker and are in this area ever, stay with her, but somehow insist to get the bill if you go out to dinner. I failed on this one. We had a little tug of war with the check and I lost.
Oh, it is in Opelousas. I still don't know how it is supposed to be pronounced.
Tomorrow, I have a six mile bridge to cross. My goal is Baton Rouge, or a place called Jackson LA. It all depends on certain developments. Either way it will be about a 70 mile day. PS, today was a 90 mile day. NBD.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Day 31--A Brisk Day of Conquering Texas and Frog Legs
It was cold today! My phalanges were like little icicles all day. I wore just about all the clothes I have.
I got out of Texas finally. I have some good pictures but no service so they will have to wait.
I am now in Dequincy LA. The accent of the people is amazing. It is not southern, it is not anything but Louisianan.
For dinner I had some seafood. It was not what I expected at all. EVERYTHING was deep fried. I had to ask the waitress a few times how to eat certain items. One of them being the frog legs. I had never had them before now and I have to say they were not bad but not great either. Kind of tasted like fishy chicken.
The plan was to camp out somewhere but it is soooo cold today I gave that idea up and got a room.
No dog chases and no flats today. One interesting thing is I saw two toilets on the side of the road. If I see more I will start a counter of commodes on the side of the road.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Day 30--Lazy Day
Not much to report today. I stayed in the La Quinta hotel room all day pretty much. Thanks to Brenda and the GM, Lola, for hooking me up with the room. It was a great day of relaxation and waiting out the rain.
Tomorrow I should be in Louisiana and done with Texas!
Tomorrow I should be in Louisiana and done with Texas!
Southern Tier Bike Tour
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Day 29--Sloppy and Almost Got Got
Sloppy wet. Rained all day. It was kind of a nice rain though. It was like a lukewarm shower all day long. My new rain gear held up well. It still seeped through a little but all in all it did the job well.
Before I got going I ate at a little diner in Liberty and it was great. All the breakfast food you can think of I put down. I only had 45 miles to go today so I kind of took my time. Once I did get on the road I killed it for about two hours. After that I don't know what happened. I lost all energy and my legs felt like they had lead in them. Over all it took 4 hours to go 40 miles when the first 30 was done in about a little over two hours. When I was a runner this was known as "hitting the wall". I guess the days and days of riding have caught up with me. It is not only my legs. My arms are done sauce as well. Every time I get off the bike my forearms are on fire. I have no grip either. I can hardly tie my shoes. Totally not complaining; just stating the facts jack.
Because of that and the fact that it is supposed to rain hard core again tomorrow, I am staying here in Beaumont tomorrow for another rest day. If it wasn't for the rain I think I would still go on down the road but with the tiredness/rain combo, it is rest day for me.
There was only one real highlight today. When I almost got got.
I was almost to Beaumont when I passed a house with a fenced in yard. A normal sized Golden Retriever (not a spawn of Satan this time) saw me and when ape shit. He started running for me, but I relaxed because it was fenced in. It was a sham and trickery. The dog knew of a spot he could get under the fence. He came out ahead of me and I pretty much screwed. I thought I was done for sure. I sprinted ahead as fast as I could go, but this butthole actually passed me. Totally could have got a piece of calf steak if he wanted to. Once he got ahead of me he kind of lost his tactical advantage though. Every time he came towards me I aimed AT him. I also yelled "yaw yaw yaw!" super loud and it worked.
I cant lie, the adrenaline was pouring through my body. Like I said, I thought he was going to get me for sure. My legs were shaking afterwards. I wasn't really scared, it was just the body's natural reaction to a stressful situation. This dog situation will probably keep me on my toes for the rest of the trip.
Lastly, Thanks to Ken Pedroza for his donation to the cause! Miss you buddy.
Before I got going I ate at a little diner in Liberty and it was great. All the breakfast food you can think of I put down. I only had 45 miles to go today so I kind of took my time. Once I did get on the road I killed it for about two hours. After that I don't know what happened. I lost all energy and my legs felt like they had lead in them. Over all it took 4 hours to go 40 miles when the first 30 was done in about a little over two hours. When I was a runner this was known as "hitting the wall". I guess the days and days of riding have caught up with me. It is not only my legs. My arms are done sauce as well. Every time I get off the bike my forearms are on fire. I have no grip either. I can hardly tie my shoes. Totally not complaining; just stating the facts jack.
Because of that and the fact that it is supposed to rain hard core again tomorrow, I am staying here in Beaumont tomorrow for another rest day. If it wasn't for the rain I think I would still go on down the road but with the tiredness/rain combo, it is rest day for me.
There was only one real highlight today. When I almost got got.
I was almost to Beaumont when I passed a house with a fenced in yard. A normal sized Golden Retriever (not a spawn of Satan this time) saw me and when ape shit. He started running for me, but I relaxed because it was fenced in. It was a sham and trickery. The dog knew of a spot he could get under the fence. He came out ahead of me and I pretty much screwed. I thought I was done for sure. I sprinted ahead as fast as I could go, but this butthole actually passed me. Totally could have got a piece of calf steak if he wanted to. Once he got ahead of me he kind of lost his tactical advantage though. Every time he came towards me I aimed AT him. I also yelled "yaw yaw yaw!" super loud and it worked.
I cant lie, the adrenaline was pouring through my body. Like I said, I thought he was going to get me for sure. My legs were shaking afterwards. I wasn't really scared, it was just the body's natural reaction to a stressful situation. This dog situation will probably keep me on my toes for the rest of the trip.
Lastly, Thanks to Ken Pedroza for his donation to the cause! Miss you buddy.
Southern Tier Bike Tour
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